Tuesday, July 3, 2007


  • 600gm kacang tanah tanpa kulit
  • 600gm gula kasar
  • 2 sudu besar bekse (sejenis madu, boleh didapati di kedai-kedai ubat tradisional Cina)
  • 200gm biji bijan yang sudah digoreng

  • Kacang tanah digoreng hingga kuning.
  • Gula kasar digoreng tanpa minyak hingga warnanye bertukar perang-keemasan.
  • Masukkan bekse ke dalam larutan gula tadi, diikuti dengan kacang.
  • Taburkan sebahagian daripada biji bijan ke dalam loyang berukuran 9" x 9".
  • Tuang adunan kacang, gula dan bekse ke dalam loyang. Ratakan, dan tabur baki biji bijan ke atasnya.
  • Potong sementara masih panas.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Kuih Kacau Keledek (Stirred Sweet Potato Pastry)

Malay Version:

  • 600gm keledek (warna kuning) yang sudah dikukus.
  • 500gm gula pasir.
  • 4 liter santan pekat.
  • 2 sudu besar (tablespoon) tepung gandum.
  • Vanilla dan pewarna (ikut suka)
  • 8 biji telur.
  1. Keledek dikisar dengan 1 liter santan dan telur sehingga halus.
  2. Didihkan baki 3 liter santan dengan gula.
  3. Apabila santan tadi sudah mendidih dan naik minyaknya, masukkan keledek yang sudah dikisar dengan sedikit tepung. Kacau sehingga pekat dan tidak melekat.
English Version:

  • 600gms of steamed sweet potatoes (yellow)
  • 500gms of coarse sugar
  • 4 liters of coconut milk
  • 2 tablespoons of wheat flour
  • Vanilla and coloring (optional)
  • 8 pieces of eggs
  1. Mash the sweet potatoes with 1 liter of coconut milk and eggs until fine.
  2. Boil the remaining 3 liters of coconut milk together with sugar.
  3. Once they have boiled and the oil is rising, put in the mashed sweet potatoes with 2 tablespoons of wheat flour. Stir until it becomes thick and not sticky anymore.
Easy, isn't it? You will get 3 kilos of the pastry with this recipe. If you wish to purchase it (before you get your hands dirty), it's about RM18 perkg (USD6 perkg). This pastry is VERY sweet, and can be stored without refrigeration for a week!

For ordering, please send an e-mail to radicalscope@gmail.com. Include your name, address, contact number, amount ordered, and method of payment.

Maiden Post.

Welcome to My Mom's Cookbook. Here I will share with all of you the content on my mom's cookbook. You see, my mum is not a genius cook. She's not a chef of a well-known hotel. And cooking was not her number 1 interest. Her number 1 is sewing. She specializes in curtains and cushion covers. She even managed to secure a contract to produce banquet chair covers, skirting, and what not for the Majlis Bandaraya Johor Bahru Tengah. But when she cooks, she creates wonders. And you guys who visits this blog gets to share her recipes.

Now, the recipes are going to be in Malay. It's not that I can't translate then into English, it's just that translating a recipe and how to cook instructions is new to me. I will ask others to help me translate, and periodically, I will change all the recipes into English forms.

Some of the recipes here have no pictures. They will have pictures that will describe them better, but for now, you will have to do things on a trial-and-error basis. Which was the way my mom learned how to cook.

Okay, let's move on the next post, which is the first recipe to be posted here: Kuih Kacau Keledek (Stirred Sweet Potato Pastry).